7 Home Technology Pillars of a Hardwick General Contracting Custom Home

Everyone wants to live in a comfortable home, but this can mean different things to different people. Nowadays, more people are turning to innovative home amenities to improve their lives. Home technology has become a reliable way to improve quality of life in ways that homeowners once had to complete themselves.
Hardwick General Contracting is proud to introduce homeowners to the new age of homeownership by building what we call TecHomes. These cutting-edge homes boast a wide array of benefits that we categorize into seven different buckets.
7 Central Benefits of a Smart Home by HardwickGC
There are many advantages to purchasing one of HardwickGC’s new TecHomes. Understanding the convenience of all seven of these benefits will allow you to take full advantage of your home’s features.
Whether you want to simplify your daily routine or improve your home’s overall efficiency, these TecHome features will allow you to live your very best life.
1. Productive
HardwickGC’s TecHomes have secure, high-speed, high-quality internet and telecommunications resources that facilitate a modern work-from-home career and distance learning.
To make this possible, we integrate many innovative features such as large screen video displays, cameras, microphones, lighting, and high-speed internet connections. With assets like these at your disposal, it is easier than ever to enjoy high-quality video conferencing and presentations.
2. Green
Our TecHomes are better for the environment in two different ways. First, they use energy and water as efficiently as possible to reduce consumption (and keep money in your wallet). Second, they minimize negative environmental impacts such as emissions and use of building materials that leave a harmful eco footprint.
3. Connected
We believe that convenience should be hard-wired into your home. That’s why TecHomes come with both wired and wireless infrastructure to enable high-quality streaming of video, audio, and internet wherever needed.
How does this translate to everyday life? Well, our homeowners can remotely monitor and manage their residence just as well as if they are home. Plus, with this infrastructure in place, it’s easy for you to communicate with family and friends via voice and video.
4. Healthy
Every homeowner should have the means for healthy living in the comfort of their own home. As such, every TecHome is guaranteed to provide all the following benefits:
- Clean air
- Clean high-quality water
- Comfortable temperature
- Lighting that matches circadian rhythms
- Access to sound and music that is conducive to a better mood
- Means of healthy food preparation and optimal food safety
- Tools to destroy and inhibit germs, mold, and other toxins
5. Safe
TecHomes aren’t just something to keep safe. In fact, they will help you keep your family safe at all times, regardless of the nature of your incident. For example, TecHomes detect potential break-ins and burglaries and alert the authorities immediately. They also detect hazards such as fire, toxic gas flows, and water leaks and they are able to alert assistance right away.
Need a little extra light in the dark? No problem! TecHomes are designed to automatically provide the lighting you need upon arrival, departure, or emergency. Plus, they are equipped with cameras to ensure strong security and improved situational awareness.
6. Entertaining
Making your home the place to gather for family and friends has never been easier. TecHomes come standard with many features that are sure to improve comfort for both residents and guests alike.
For example, high-quality audio and video can be found throughout each TecHome. Also, controls for lighting and other environmental amenities provide comfort and appropriate mood setting for any occasion. This lighting is also ideal for showcasing artwork and other valued decorations.
7. Smart
One of the core principles of luxury living is to work smarter, not harder. Why not remove that work entirely when your home can simply do it for you? TecHomes automatically provide levels of light and heating or cooling that you prefer to be comfortable.
Furthermore, TecHomes monitor their own consumption of energy and water and will recommend strategies to save on both. Make the move to live in a home that keeps your safety, security, and comfort all at heart.
Hardwick General Contracting: Your Orlando Custom Home Builder
Do any of these features sound valuable or interesting to you? At HardwickGC, our mission is to build homes that make your life as easy as possible. By pulling ideas for features and amenities from these seven buckets, we can guarantee a higher quality of life and generations of satisfaction for each of our homeowners.
Ready to make the jump to a brand-new life in one of our TecHomes? Call Hardwick General Contracting today!